2011 Breed Pen Set Up
Faith Valley Waterfowl
2011 Ameraucana Breed Pen Set ~Up
We have expanded our Ameraucana flock for the 2011 breeding season. We
hatched out many super quality birds in 2010 and decided to hang on to them
to add to our breeding flock.  We also have added the white variety and are
very excited to see the quality youngsters that these birds will produce.

We get many questions as to what the codes mean on each of our hatching
eggs. As we gather our eggs we code them according to which pen they came
out of.  This allows us to track fertility and special breeding projects.  
BK2 pen
consists of a 2010 cockerel
and a 2009 hen. This is a
super pair and will produce
some wonderful offspring.
BK1 pen
consists of a
2009 old male
and four 2010
pullets.  In this
pen we are
working on
increasing the
green sheen on
the offspring.
WN1 pen
This is our blue wheaten /
wheaten pen. We only
retained 2 blue wheaten
females so this is our only
pen that will produce some
blue wheaten offspring this
WN2 pen
This is our comb pen. We
have penned our best
combed birds in this pen. We
are wanting to produce more
males with small compact
combs so we are using our 4
smallest combed females for
this project. This pen is
headed by our best show
WN3 pen

This is our tail pen. We have used the
birds with the best shaped tailed in this
pen and also the birds with the best
black coloring in wings and tails. We
are hoping to produce birds that have
wonderful well spread tails with lots of
black in the wing and tail. This pen has
4 super tailed females and our 2nd
best show male.
Click here to go to page two of our 2011
breeding program ~ Buff bantams.
Black Gold

This is a new breeding program for us. We have been
fortunate enough to obtain a pair of Black Gold bantams
from Mike Gilbert. We are excited to beging working with this
variety this spring.